um estudo bibliométrico
Economia comportamental, Teoria Nudge, Agricultura, Políticas PúblicasResumo
Estudos relacionados à economia comportamental e ao uso de nudges têm ganhado cada vez mais destaque nos últimos anos. Nesse contexto, este artigo tem por objetivo apresentar a produção científica de estudos relacionados ao uso de nudges na tomada de decisão de agricultores. A metodologia combinou técnicas de bibliometria e análise de conteúdo. A plataforma Web of Science foi utilizada para efetuar a busca das publicações, sendo selecionados 34 artigos para análise. Apesar do baixo número de publicações, os resultados mostram um crescimento mais acentuado da produção científica sobre o tema a partir de 2015, com as publicações concentradas nas áreas de economia, política e meio ambiente e dispersão das publicações quanto à autoria. O periódico Ecological Economics obteve destaque como meio escolhido pelos autores para publicar seus estudos e como fonte de pesquisa. Em relação aos objetivos dos artigos, foi identificado que 56% das publicações apresentaram alguma associação com a tomada de decisão ambiental e aproximadamente 44% dos artigos fizeram uso do método experimental na condução das pesquisas. Portanto, conclui-se que diante da incipiência do campo de estudo, ainda há oportunidades significativas de produção científica relacionadas à aplicação de nudges no processo de tomada de decisão de agricultores.Referências
ALBERNAZ-GONÇALVES, R.; OLMOS, G.; HÖTZEL, M. J. Exploring farmers’ reasons for antibiotic use and misuse in pig farms in Brazil. Antibiotics, v. 10, n. 3, p. 331, 2021.
AREAL, F. J. et al. Does TV edutainment lead to farmers changing their agricultural practices aiming at increasing productivity? Journal of Rural Studies, v. 76, p. 213-229, 2020.
ARIA, M.; CUCCURULLO, C. bibliometrix: an R-tool for comprehensive science mapping analysis. Journal of Informetrics, v. 11, n. 4, p. 959-975, 2017.
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BARNES, A. P. et al. The effect of animal health compensation on ‘positive’ behaviours towards exotic disease reporting and implementing biosecurity: a review, a synthesis and a research agenda. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, v. 122, n. 1-2, p. 42-52, 2015.
BELAY, D. G.; AYALEW, H. Nudging farmers in crop choice using price information: evidence from Ethiopian commodity exchange. Agricultural Economics, v. 51, n. 5, p. 793-808, 2020.
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CZAP, N. V. et al. Encouraging farmers' participation in the conservation stewardship program: a field experiment. Ecological Economics, v. 161, p. 130-143, 2019.
CZAP, N. V. et al. Walk in my shoes: nudging for empathy conservation. Ecological Economics, v. 118, p. 147-158, 2015.
DAVIS, J.; RAUSSER, G. Amending conservation programs through expanding choice architecture: a case study of forestry and livestock producers. Agricultural Systems, v. 177, p. 102678, 2020.
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DESSART, F. J.; BARREIRO-HURLÉ, J.; VAN BAVEL, R. Behavioural factors affecting the adoption of sustainable farming practices: a policy-oriented review. European Review of Agricultural Economics, v. 46, n. 3, p. 417-471, 2019.
DIDERO, N.; COSTANIGRO, M.; JABLONSKI, B. B. R. Promoting farmers market via information nudges and coupons: a randomized control trial. Agribusiness, v. 37, n. 3, p. 531-549, 2021.
DOLAN, P. et al. Influencing behaviour: the mindspace way. Journal of Economic Psychology, v. 33, n. 1, p. 264-277, 2012.
DUFLO, E.; KREMER, M.; ROBINSON, J. Nudging farmers to use fertilizer: theory and experimental evidence from Kenya. American Economic Review, v. 101, n. 6, p. 2350-90, 2011.
FERRARI, L. et al. Can nudging improve the environmental impact of food supply chain? a systematic review. Trends in Food Science & Technology, v. 91, p. 184-192, 2019.
FOGUESATTO, C. R.; ARTUZO, F. D.; MACHADO, J. A. D. Uma visão geral dos principais temas relacionados à tomada de decisão no agronegócio. Custos e @gronegócio On Line, v. 12, Edição Especial – Dezembro, p. 95-113, 2016.
GILLILAND, J. et al. Using a smartphone application to promote healthy dietary behaviours and local food consumption. BioMed Research International, v. 2015, 2015.
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KIAMBI, S. et al. Understanding antimicrobial use contexts in the poultry sector: challenges for small-scale layer farms in Kenya. Antibiotics, v. 10, n. 2, p. 106, 2021.
KUHFUSS, L. et al. Nudges, social norms, and permanence in agri-environmental schemes. Land Economics, v. 92, n. 4, p. 641-655, 2016.
KUHFUSS, L. et al. Nudging farmers to enrol land into agri-environmental schemes: the role of a collective bonus. European Review of Agricultural Economics, v. 43, n. 4, p. 609-636, 2016.
LUNN, P. D.; LYONS, S.; MURPHY, M. Predicting farms’ noncompliance with regulations on nitrate pollution. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, v. 63, n. 13, p. 2313-2333, 2020.
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MAZON, N. et al. It's not just the technology, it's the surrounding system: how researchers in Ecuador found ways to make themselves useful to farmers through quinoa and lupin seed systems. Experimental Agriculture, v. 55, n. S1, p. 107-124, 2019.
MEEMKEN, E. M.; VEETTIL, P. C.; QAIM, M. Toward improving the design of sustainability standards: a gendered analysis of farmers’ preferences. World Development, v. 99, p. 285-298, 2017.
MERRILL, S. C. et al. Willingness to comply with biosecurity in livestock facilities: evidence from experimental simulations. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, v. 6, p. 156, 2019.
MILLS, J. et al. Engaging farmers in environmental management through a better understanding of behaviour. Agriculture and Human Values, v. 34, n. 2, p. 283-299, 2017.
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PELLEGRIN, C. et al. Does the identifiable victim effect matter for plants? Results from a quasi-experimental survey of French farmers. Ecological Economics, v. 151, p. 106-113, 2018.
PETH, D. et al. Nudging farmers to comply with water protection rules: experimental evidence from Germany. Ecological Economics, v. 152, p. 310-321, 2018.
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